Thursday, 13 November 2014


Based on data and evidence from my questionnaire and existing product research, i have decided on the theme, vauge layout, information, type of image, price, issue frequency for my magazine.
The genre i have put forward for my magazine is classical, this is because i have acessed the market and people feel the genre, classical is lacking in the market so I feel by producing a classical music magazine i can bring something new into the market.
The target audience of which the classical genre mainly appealed to was, classical music students, currently studying at University. This genre of magazine is useful to that target audience because it could count as extra reading for university courses and also adds a new, modernised interest into the whole classical music genre.

Obiviously to keep the theme of the genre and make the magazine flow-i will research classical artists and composers that will fit into the classical brief, that i can use into my magazine.
Popular people could be old composers-such as Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, whom composed the famous music for wworldwide ballet's such as the 'Nutcracker and swan lake', or current classical composers such as Max Richter, whom re-composed the famous 'four seasons'
In addition i could include interviews or images from more up to date classical artists such as Katherine Jenkins. These will all attract the audience whom are interested in the classical genre, and will also engage the reader and attract them to the magazine.

I will aim to have a specific colour scheme, to my magazine that will run throughout the front cover, contents page and double page spread. This will keep the flow to the magazine and hopefully avoid confusion and of course fit within the classical genre. This will also follow the same applications which the typography i use-the same sort of typography will be used throughout all the pages i make however obiviously, it may differ in size, like the masthead and cover lines. I will do research into typography and colour schemes later on in the task. This will be an important feature to reserach and should take influence from other existing music magazines on the market.
It is important because the use of colours will attract my target audience and make my whole magazine appealing.

The price of my magazine will be £2-£3, as this is the reasonable price suggested my results from my questionnaire. In addition the frequency of issue will be monthly rather than weekly, which is a common convention of many classical music magazines i have reserach and analyised.

The images i use will be of friends or family, that resemble my reader profile i have already created further on down on my blog. I will mainly use females-as that was the gender of my 'reader' profile. Furthermore i may give a slight interaction of the 'male gaze' theory that will attract the young male audience further, however i also want to have a slight postmodernist tinge to it, that will challange the usual precomseption of classical music.

By producing this brief i have given myself a plan of what needs to be included in my magazine and how i can achieve this.

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