1.) How old are you? (Please circle)
10yrs and below
11-16 17-22 23-28
29-34 35-40 older than 40
2.) What is your current occupational status? (Please
Younger than secondary school Secondary school Sixth form/collage university full- time work part time work other
3.)Is your occupational job, music related (e.g music
student at university , studying music A-level at school, Music teacher?)
4.) How often do you buy specifically music magazines
monthly?(please circle)
I don’t buy magazines
1-2times 3-4 times 5-6 times
more than 6 times
5.) What genre of music magazine do you usually purchase? (Please

6.) What stands out most top you on the front cover of a
music magazine?
Colour scheme Image
Typography (font, words, size of words ect) Puffs (free gifts offered ect)
Celebrities other
7.) How much would you be happy to spend on one issue of a
music magazine?
£1 or less £2-£3 £4-5
more than £7
8.) On the front cover of a magazine, do you prefer images
of people or places?(please circle)
Places Other
9.) Do you like images present on a double page spread? (Please
Yes no
10.) Do you or would you like to follow music magazines on
social networking sites (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, twitter)
Yes no
11.) If you could see more of a certain genre of music
magazine on today’s market- which genre would it be?
None pop classical R&B
Indie Rock other
12.)If you don’t buy
magazines-what is the reason?(please circle)
Lack of time Too
expensive not available at my local
supermarket/newsagent I don’t want
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